Day: April 10, 2023

Sofa Cleaning TipsSofa Cleaning Tips

Vacuuming your fabric couch or wiping down your faux leather sofa gets rid of crumbs and dust, but set-in stains, pet hair, food spills and odors require a more in-depth cleaning. Here’s how to get your upholstered furniture feeling, smelling and looking new again.

Is it worth cleaning a couch?

Start with a vacuum cleaner equipped with an upholstery attachment, working as far under the frame and arms as you can reach. Then use a dry natural-bristle brush to loosen any dirt or debris that’s stuck in the fibers. Next, read the fabric care label to see what types of cleaning solutions — such as W, S, WS or X — are safe for your couch’s cushion covers.

If your couch is marked “W,” for example, you can clean the cushions with a handheld steamer or with bursts from your iron. Just make sure the fabric is completely dry before you replace the cushions, and test a small area of the fabric with the cleaner to ensure it won’t discolor or damage the material. Link :

For a more DIY upholstery cleaner, mix 1 cup of vinegar with 1/2 cup of warm water and 1/4 teaspoon of liquid dish soap or Castile soap in a spray bottle and mist the soiled area. Then, scrub with a microfiber cloth until the stain disappears. Once you’re done, dry the sofa with a towel or set up a box fan pointed at it to speed up the process. Never let a sofa get too wet, or it could take a long time to dry and may develop mildew.